Our Story

Throughout this website, I use “we” but in truth, NG Castings is a one-man mission created in the wake of the 2020 lockdowns.

7 years ago I started out as a mould maker for Games Workshop’s Forge World. In that time, (and I might be biased) I helped bring some of the coolest miniatures in the world to production (all credit to the artists and sculptors). By the time I was on the master mould team for the Forge World studio I’d worked on the relaunch of Blood Bowl, some incredible traditionally sculpted Middle Earth and Age of Sigmar models.

I then helped set up Warcradle Studios in-house Resin department, where they produced the wierd and wonderful Wild West Exodus and later Dystopian Wars.

When 2020 happened, the pause in production got me to wanting to bring the skills I’d developed and quality to studios and artists that are making amazing minis, but don’t have a spare resin department to take them to the gaming table.

Amongst the studios that have trusted NG Castings are Mantic games and Grinning Gargoyle, as well as some smaller artists looking for a few dozen copies of their miniatures.

What I’ve learnt in over my career is what makes a miniature look great on the table, and how much the mould design affects the quality of the product. That’s what I want to bring to NG Castings and the studios that use me to make their miniatures a reality.
